Automate Privacy, Protect Data, Govern AI | Ardent Privacy | Data Discovery

Trusted by top Organizations

Hear From Our Customers

Ardent impresses me with its vision of automation and simplicity of data discovery and data privacy elements.

Sameer Ratolikar

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), HDFC Bank

Meet TurtleShield


Tailored Geographic Focus


High Customization with Low Code


Cost-Efficient Technology


One Platform to Manage Privacy, Data Security and AI Governance


Data Discovery

Data discovery is often complex, costly, and time-intensive, making it challenging for companies to implement effective privacy and security. Our Innovative tool "TurtleShield" addresses these challenges by discovering hard-to-find datasets at scale, enabling quick actions, and reducing compliance costs. It locates and categorizes data based on regulatory requirements like DPDPA, GDPR, and CCPA, ensuring companies maintain compliance, secure sensitive information, and minimize data breach risks.


AI Value Proposition

Ardent Privacy’s AI value proposition is to simplify and automate data privacy and compliance management. Using AI, the platform identifies and classifies sensitive data across the organization, assesses risks, and automates compliance workflows, such as DSARs and consent management. This approach ensures that sensitive information is properly protected and regulatory requirements are met with minimal manual effort.

Data Security, Privacy and AI Governance without Impacting Business Mission

Start meaningful data protection journey with us today!

Global Compliance With Local Customizations


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